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Work In Your Area - Construction Phase

2024 Annual Sewer Lining, Fendrich Neighborhood

This project includes CIPP lining approximately 530 feet of 8" diameter sewer main, 750 feet of 10" diameter sewer main, 6980 feet of 12" diameter sewer main, 1200 feet of 15" diameter sewer main, 820 feet of 16" diameter sewer main, 2400 feet of 18" diameter sewer main, 530 feet of 24" diameter sewer main, and reconstruction/lining of manholes along Harding Ave. between Morgan and Diamond, and between US 41 and Weinbach Avenue from Keck to Diamond.

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Stockwell and Cross Pointe Forcemain Relocation

This project includes relocating approximately 162 feet of 10" forcemain on Division Street just west of Stockwell.  It also includes relocating approximately 51 feet of 12" forcemain on the NW corner of Cross Pointe Boulevard and Lloyd Expressway in preparation for improvements related to the upcoming INDOT Lloyd4U project.

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Lynch Road Large Diameter Lining

This project includes CIPP lining approximately 350 feet of 10" diameter sewer main, 3900 feet of 15" diameter sewer main and reconstruction/lining of manholes along Lynch Road from Hitch and Peters to Debbie Lane.

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2022 Annual Lining, Hitch & Peters Road Project

This project includes the rehabilitation of over 1,800 feet of sanitary sewer pipe on Hitch & Peters Road between Lynch Road and St. George Road.  Additional work includes the rehabilitation of 16 sanitary sewer manholes within the project limits.   

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Lloyd SSRMP Manhole Rehabilitation, Phase 1 Project

This project includes the rehabilitation of over 230 sanitary sewer manholes within the Lloyd Basin on the east side of Evansville.  The work consists of manhole frame and cover replacements, precast manhole section replacements, interior flowline modifications and installation of interior linings.  

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Toyota Trinity Storm Water Park CSS Separation Project

This project includes the installation of a new storm water collection system to separate the storm water from the combined sanitary sewer in downtown Evansville.  This work will consist of the construction of approximately 4,400 linear feet of 12” to 36” storm sewers, 29 new storm sewer manholes and inlets, as well as the installation of a 1 million gallon subsurface detention basin at the site of the former Holy Trinity Catholic Church located at the intersection of NW 3rd Street and Vine Street.

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The project will also include the replacement of existing water mains within the storm sewer collection system project area and consists of the replacement of approximately 4,500 linear feet of 6” to 20” water mains, 60 valves, 9 fire hydrants, 19 water service relocations and restoration. 

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Wansford Yard Lift Station Phase 1-BC 

Lift Station Force Main and Pfeiffer Road Interceptor Sewer Project 

The lift station force main portion of this project includes the installation of approximately 8,600 feet of new 30" sanitary sewer force main within several city streets from Diamond Avenue to the new Wansford Yard Lift Station located on Harlan Avenue.  The work also involves the crossing of Pigeon Creek with associated bank stabilization with articulated concrete block mats, concrete armor masonry units, and high performance turf reinforcement mats.  

The Pfeiffer Road interceptor sewer portion of the project includes the installation of approximately 2,000 feet of new 30" gravity sanitary sewer pipe using open cut trenching methods and over 800 feet of gravity sanitary sewer using trenchless methods.  The work also includes the installation of 7 new sanitary manhole structures and related sewer bypass pumping to complete the installation between the existing Pfeiffer Road Lift Station to the new Wansford Yard Lift Station on Harlan Avenue. 

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Bee Slough Sewer Rehabilitation Project

This project includes CIPP lining approximately 1125 feet of 60" diameter sewer main along Veterans Memorial Parkway near the East Wastewater Treatment Plant, joint grouting, and resetting several frames and covers. 

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